Sunday, November 29, 2009

Handsome Boy

Doesn't he look so handsome all dressed up for church?!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday we went to Dan's Bosses house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was so nice to have somewhere to go and not be alone! Here we are all dressed up and ready to goHere is Logan in his holiday hat I made him last year. It still fits!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Logan found a great new hiding place!

Lake Willastein

Last week we took Logan to the park (again) on Dan's day off. Logan loves to go places and play with his daddy!Dan lets him go down the scary slide that makes Mommy nervous!This park has a really cool lake with little docks. Logan loved playing out over the water!
as usual Logan loved the swings!
I haven't really posted a picture of myself at all this pregnancy. Here I am at 27 1/2 weeks.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lost... Again!

How can I get so lost here? For the second week in a row we have missed playgroup because I cannot figure out where I am going. Even when I print directions out from mapquest or other websites I can't find where I am going... I think I am losing my mind!!! I didn't have anything fun to replace playgroup with like making applesauce last week so I just found a park and let Logan play. How sad to see these pictures of him playing alone! We really need some friends for him, good thing we only have 3 weeks until he sees his cousins!!!Logan found a big stick and had some much fun beating things with it... maybe it is a good thing no other kids were there!Even though he had to play alone, he was still so sad to leave the park! I let him bring the stick home, but that stays outside!

Monday, November 16, 2009

What Could Be Better?

What could be better than getting a package in the mail from your Grammy? Logan got a special package last week, which included lots of fun stuff including a DVD, M&M's, and a faux leather jacket!!!Logan was so excited for the M&M's...He was a happy kid with a mouthful!He looked SO handsome in his new jacket! Thanks Aunt Nene and Aunt Lindsey for picking it out!
P.S. Here is a cute picture of Logan trying on his new rain boots I finally got him last weekend. Ignore the knitting junk on the table and Logan not wearing pants!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We're Cookin'

Today was our ward's playgroup. Our ward is super spread out so they hold it at a different park every week. While searching for our meeting spot I got so lost, I gave up after 40 minutes of driving around and went home. I felt bad, so I decided I would still try and do something fun with Logan. I tried letting him help me cook for the first time! I decided to do something easy, homemade applesauce. He really liked using the apple pealerThe best part of cooking is always tasting!stirring is hard work!I think tasting was definitely Logan's favorite part
after lots of waiting...IT'S FINALLY DONE! Time to eat!After we were finished cooking Logan disappeared into his room and came out wearing this. The sunglasses didn't last long, but he refused to take the hat off!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Boys and Bugs

I feel so bad! Logan came in the house yesterday running as fast as his little legs will take him. He was so excited he could barely breath. What did he come to give me? I huge stick bug he had caught for me!!! Dan always looks at them with him, so I think Logan just thought it was a really cool prize he wanted to share with me. I jumped up and started screaming, and he just looked at me heartbroken. He was so excited, and didn't understand why I was upset. How do you tell an 18 month old boy thank you for the present, but we don't catch big huge bugs to bring in the house and put on mom?

Here are just a few fun pictures!
(Logan has started holding his shoulders up funny when he is being silly, it is so cute!)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Day of Nursery

I think the nursery is one of the most amazing things our church does! Logan is still 2 weeks from being 18 months, but our ward said we could take him in a few weeks early. Logan was so happy to when he saw all the other kids and toys to play with. They brought him to me and said he was sad about half way through, when he would normally be eating lunch and napping. He hung out with me for a few minutes then I took him back in for snack time. Cheese crackers, graham crackers, and mini marshmallows. Could anything be better to our little Logan? He was happy and stayed in the rest of the time. When I went to pick him up he was sitting in the teachers lap cuddling her and almost asleep. They said he was good, didn't attack any other kids (I was really worried about that), and they thought it was sweet he is such a lover!Logan was so excited to be running around outside I couldn't get him to look at the camera! Doesn't he look handsome dressed up for his first day?!Nursery is exhausting

Friday, November 6, 2009

Have I Created a Monster?

Have I created an obsession with Logan? I get teased that I use product in his hair, and I have given him at least 10 haircuts in 18 months (isn't his new haircut so handsome!). He loves to get his hair done, I usually do it then he rubs his hands through it to get it the way he wants. He loves to play with his hair, and even likes to look at it in the mirror. This morning he was playing in my room while I was blow-drying my hair. The second I put the blow-dryer down He reached up and grabbed the cord and pulled it down on his face! It burned his forehead and gave him a black eye a gash under his eye. Oh, the price of beauty.(this isn't the best picture of him, but you can see his wounds better!)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Store Opening

Today was the big opening of the Chick-fil-A Dan will be working at for the next year. We stopped by Wednesday morning (like 21 hours before they opened) on our way to playgroup and people were lined up to get in! The first 100 customers get 52 free meals, so people camp there overnight. I never got a chance to go back over last night to take a few pictures but Dan said it was just a big mass of people doing fun activities to keep busy (like they had someone teaching line dancing). I am so excited the store is finally open and Dan can get hard to work doing what he came here for.
They have a 20 foot cow on top of the store right now.

Logan and I went over to eat this afternoon(notice the Halloween card? My mom sent it to Logan and it plays the Ghostbusters theme. He will not go anywhere without it, he showed anyone who would look at the store. He loves showing people how it plays music. He even tried to take it to bed with him tonight!)
Logan and I have just been trying to keep busy and get him back on a good sleeping schedule! He recently discovered how fun the laundry basket is. He can put his toys in it, he can turn it over and hide in it like a wild animal, or his favorite, he can ride in it. I don't give as good of rides as Daddy, but I try!(notice the Halloween card again!)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lots of Playtime

I tried to keep Logan really busy playing today so he will hopefully sleep better tonight! We cleaned the whole house (which is pretty small, it only took an hour!). We went on 2 long walks (we found out Logan's little kitty friend moved, so sad!). We spent lots of time playing and also finally got to go see the new store Dan is working at. He was so happy to be in his carPedal to the metal!Busy at work on the computer!
Logan loves to wave and talk to himself in the mirror. He will even give that little guy in the mirror kisses. He discovered the picture of himself on the computer and was so excited!Giving that little kid some kissesI think Logan might be nesting, I wrapped a stuffed animal in his Blanket and he took really good care of it...until he threw it on the ground so he could have his blanket back!