Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reading time

Logan loves when Brynlee with lay in his bed with him and he can read to her. He is such a sweet big brother... when he wants to be!
Logan and Brynlee also just shared their first bath. It went well until he threw a ball at her head. We will probably wait a while to try that again.


Susie said...

That's a great idea to put her bath in with Logan- and probably a great idea to wait a bit longer to try it again!

Sara said...

Haha. Oh Logan. He just wanted to play with her huh. They will have so much fun together once she's a bit bigger.

Lindsey Pinegar said...

I love the top pictures where Logan's little sausage fingers are gripping poor Brynlee! He looks like he's so excited he's trying not to just squeeze her!! I can't wait to see you guys!

Lindsey Pinegar said...

***The second picture down!

Ryan & Whitney said...

I love Logan's little punk rocker look!

Jones Family said...

That's how I used to bathe Hannah and Gavin. Now Hannah can hold Luke and Gavin washes Luke's hair. I'm so happy Brynlee is better! I love your blogs!