Tuesday, January 5, 2010

40 Days Left!

Wow!!! Only 40 days left until we have our baby... and we have NOTHING ready (including a name)! Things have been going okay. We like our new doctor, all except he won't induce until 41 weeks. We had an ultrasound last week, which included some 3D pictures. My dad told me he has never seen one, so here it is

She is looking from the top left corner down. You can only see the side of her fave (eye and nose) and she has both hands crossed covering her mouth. Hopefully that helps to see it! During the ultrasound the tech pointed out a shadow across the back of the babies head. She said that is her hair hanging off her head. WHAT??? If they hadn't warned me I probably would have handed her back at the hospital thinking she is not mine! Logan was so bald his head was shiney... for like 7 or 8 months. He is just now getting his hair in a little thicker.

I am really ready to be done, I mostly just need to get the nursery and clothing taken care of. Oh yeah, and we need to pick out a name! Any suggestions???

1 comment:

Sara said...

I think those 3-D pictures are so cool! We got some of Katie and just love them. I can tell your little girl is gonna be cute. Look at those cheeks. You are on the home stretch now!