Friday, March 19, 2010

Our Lucky St. Patrick's Day (Brynlee in the hospital)

Our St. Patrick's day started so great! We had green oatmeal for breakfast

and we made homemade green flour tortillas for tacos with lunch

While Logan was napping we got a call from Brynlee's doctor who said we needed to immediately get to the hospital. Blood work we had done the day before came back positive for a bacterial infection. We got to the hospital and they had to do several more tests including a lumbar puncture or spinal tap. We were so grateful the tests came back negative for meningitis or something worse.(all the nurses loved her colorful outfits and blankets. She still looked stylish even if she was in the hospital!)

(They gave her a lucky St. Patrick's day bear. We were so lucky we caught this infection early!)
(Logan came up to visit Brynlee for a second when Dan and I were trading places)

Brynlee spent 3 days in the hospital and we were able to bring her home tonight. She has a pic line that we will learn to administer antibiotics through everyday, we are just so glad our sweet little girl will be okay! We were so lucky we had offers to take Logan, and lots of people who brought stuff for us just to make our stay easier!(there were a lot more treats, magazines, and even clothes and blankets for Brynlee). We are so lucky to have such a great support system so far from home!


Susie said...

She looks so sad with her little pic line in!

Lindsey Pinegar said...

I'm glad you guys are home! Can she wear onesie over the pic line? You may have to cut them up to fit over it! Hope this week goes well...that was so nice of people to drop stuff off! We'll be thinking of you guys!

Debbie Bond said...

Chelsea you have been in the thoughts and constant prayers. So glad my little name sake is doing better. It is the power of pray and priesthood blessing! She looks so little but healthy. Aunt Marcia and I sure wanted to be with you. Hang in there, we will go shopping this summer and this will all be a bad memory.

Mickelle said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're all through the worst of this ordeal! Poor sweet girl!

lacey said...

Oh my! So sorry Chelsea. I had a spinal tap in college and man it was a doozy! Poor baby girl...

I hope this all passes soon and becomes a faint and distant memory... take care.

Sara said...

You went all out on St. Patty's day! Good for you! One of these years I'll get into the spirit of the holiday.

I'm so glad you have good support out there, so far from home. You guys are constantly in our thoughts.

Kristina said...

i hope everything worked out okay! your fam is adorable...