Monday, March 30, 2009

Just Because

Logan is such a cute little monkey!


Joe*Nikki said...

Logan is soooooooo cute!! I can't wait to meet him. Ok, so we need to get together. I am having a baby shower next Sat. and I want you to come. Email me your phone # and I will call you and we can hang out. Email me at

can't wait to meet little Logan.

Beck said...

Well that is the best picture yet. He is so adorable.

Frukie said...

My cute little buddy! Seeing his pictures always make me happy!

Jill Skouson said...

Logan really is so cute!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm glad to know that Alcatraz is worth seeing. That is the one thing that George really wants to do while we're there. Did you guys go to the Aquarium? I remember that you blogged about your trip. I'll have to look back and read about what all you guys did there. Thanks again!

Susie said...

I miss my little guy- just a few more days!