Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Doctor Appointment

I went to the doctor today because I have been SO sick! Everything is going well and we are on track for May 24. Im doing better since they gave me a shot and a prescription. Hope all of you are well too!
p.s. Nicole- I didnt think you spoiled the surprise, I thought it was so funny that I posted my blog while listening to conference thinking nobody would check then!!!


Melissa and Chad said...

Oh My Gosh! Congratulations!!! I am sooo excite for you! I will keep you in my prayers and hope you start feeling better.

Diane said...

Just a random check of your blog and look what news pops up?! Congratulations!!! Hopefully this is just a "first trimester thing", and will pass soon. I'll look forward to more news.

Diane said...

By the way...I love Colbie Caillat! Great song pick!