Okay, so I have been so busy I havent had a chance to blog lately! We are doing really well, but things are ever changing around here! Our lease is up on our townhome at the end of August, and we are leaving in October to move to ARKANSAS! (I know, big shock!). We will be staying with my Uncle in Ogden in between the time our lease is up and we move. We are looking forward to our big move and our new adventure in Arkansas, and we feel so greatful for the opportunity. Dan has decided to take a voluntary leave of absence from Skywest to pursue his career in the Chick-Fil-A company. We are so excited he found a job as a general manager, hopefully it will lead to having a store of his own. We are really excited to live somewhere new, and experience a new life... but I am definitely nervous about having a baby while we are there! Atleast we will be there a few months and hopefully get to know some people before the baby comes! (We are also keeping our fingers crossed for lots of visits from family after the baby comes... hint hint). I don't have any cute Chick-Fil-A pictures on this computer (maybe I will add some later) so here are just a few cute ones of Logan!

Logan eating a cupcake at Grandma Goods last week

when Logan gets really tired he gets REALLY goofy, here he is half asleep and giggling!
So exciting! I can't wait to hear how Arkansas is. New places like that are so intriguing to me so you'll have to post about it once you get there!
By the way, your comment on my blog had me in shock :) I don't know what Greg would have done if I had barfed on him in the night. It would not have been pretty I can tell you that (the vomit or the reaction)!
I can't believe your moving to Arkansas. Good luck. You'll have to make it over to see my parents in Tennessee.
I hate moving too. Congratulations on #2... so scary! Aren't you going to be an aunt again soon too?
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